DESCRIPTION: Antique hand-colored engraved plate ca. 1795 containing early depictions of Cannabis Sativa
( chanvre or hemp). A sub-species of weed, wacky tobakky, boucan, dope, marijuana, grass, reefer, pot, maryjane, ganja, etc. Left-most plant depicted is flax. To the right are male and female specimens of Cannabis Sativa. Scarce.
From Bilderbuch fur Kinder, published from 1792-1830 by Friedrich Justin Bertuch (1727-1822). This encyclopedia was published in 237 parts with 1186 engravings.
Two leaves total. Leaf 1 on wove with images, verso blank. Leaf 2 on laid paper with text descriptions in French and German.
Before you forget, fire up your credit card and score this very rare engraving today. Bhang!
Following is a Google translation of the accompanying text description (included). Note: in the description there is no mention of the psychotropic applications for the plant.
"The real homeland of Hemp is Persia. When planted in good, well-fertilized soil, it grows a stem 8 to 9 feet high and the size of a finger, and like flax, it is only a plant with us. It does not carry on the same stem the different parts of the generation. The secondary or male plant (fig. 2.) which has slightly wider leaves, and which bears male flowers, but no fruit, is called hemp thâlè'l the plant on the contrary, (fig. 3.) which produces the grayish seeds, known as Chenevist (fig c.) is called Female Hemp. When the male hemp has entirely dissipated its dust and seceded the fruits, which usually happens at the beginning of August, it begins to wither and then it must be pulled up and preserved. Hemp sole only ripens a month or six weeks later. The two species of plants give the rest the same bark, which is divided into long and tenacious silamens, of which we know principally twine, ropes, cables, canvas for sails and for tents, etc. For Russia, Germany, and many other countries of Europe, hemp forms a most important article of commerce."
 Solid. Slightly age toned. Ample margins. Platemark.
COLORING: Original hand color
" x
10 "
PRICE: $500