"The Editors… have endeavoured to lay down the course over which a punt should be shoved. They wish it to be distinctly understood that they do not claim to have found the best shoving in all cases, but they have tried to describe the bottom of the river as they know it, perhaps not as intelligibly as they would have wished, owing to the exigencies of space and the subsequent condensation of language. "
Thus begins the introduction to this very interesting and quirky map of the Thames River, published in 1901 and oriented to the fishermen and boaters of the area. Filled with information about the Thames, not only locks, water depth, bridges and other navigational information, but also, inns, hotels, and boatyards.
A reader does not have to go too far perusing the notes on this chart to need a good nautical reference book, as some of the practices of that era are now outdated or not applicable in other countries. For example this note on Hart's or Eaton's Weir: "The only weir on the Thames which has to be 'shot'. There is usually someone at the neighboring inn who will lend a hand in drawing the paddles and rymers." Hmmm. Turns out that the term "paddles and rymers" refers to a method of lock contruction for "flash locks" based on a single gate. The method of constuction dates back to the medieval period. Paddle and rymer weirs are operated by placing large wooden posts – the rymers – into the bottom of the river. To control the water flow, paddles of different heights were placed against the rymers. When the paddles were removed water would pour through the opening and boaters would "shoot" the opening. This method of construction is now considered dangerous and most paddle and rymer weirs have been updated.
Published by Edward Stanton, 12, 13, & 14, Long Acre, W.C.
BODY OF WATER: Thames River
 Introductory text is loose but the map itself is is excellent condition with no separations at the folds. Pages are clean and bright. Would frame nicely.
COLORING: Multicolored.
" x
102 "
PRICE: $425