DESCRIPTION: A spectacular, huge (6' foot) antique British privately-published blueback nautical chart of the western Gulf of Mexico in very fine condition. Scarce to find this chart, especially an example kept in such great shape as this one. Chart coverage includes United States coastal areas from New Orleans, Louisiana trending west and then south to Tampico, Mexico. Contains the oval blue inked over-stamp that reads "James Imray and Son, 1876, London."
Note: Because of its large size the photo is stitched together from 2 halves. Some abberations in the image may appear.
This old chart is dotted with numeous inset large-scale charts of key ports and important bays, rivers and harbors including: Galveston, Texas; Atchafalya Bay, Louisiaana, Sabine Pass, Matagorga Bay, Rio Grande, and Tampico, Mexico.
During the 1800's there was a trend toward publication of very large small-scale charts with large-scale insets of key passages and harbors. The practice was adopted as much for economics as any other reason. James Imray and Son was one of a handful of British publishers who specialized in these charts which were often backed with canvas or linen cloth or heavy blue paper in order to help them withstand the frequent use and abuse aboard ship, hence the term "blueback chart".
Outer blue paper contains yellow a large seller's label with the logo of James Imray amd Son.
Price when sold 10 s.
BODY OF WATER: Gulf of Mexico
 About the best possible condition imaginable for a 140 year-old sea chart. Very clean and unmarked. Only flaw is that the bottom margin has been trimmed shorter with loss of the author's attribution in the margin. No loss to the map image.
COLORING: None except some lighthouses are highlighted in yellow, as issued.
SIZE: 75
" x
36 "
PRICE: $4800