ALL ITEMS: 'Ozanne--Nicolas

 Thumbnail CreatorDateTitle / Author / Date / LocationPrice  Description
1171Engraving of a French 80-cannon three-masted war ship.DetailsOzanne, Nicolas1770
Vaisseau de 80 Canons
Ozanne, Nicolas
$150.00Ozanne--NicolasVaisseau-de-80-CanonsThis fine 18th-century hand-colored engraving of a French 80-cannon three-masted war ship is described in the engraved text, including use, armament, names of sail and mastage and crew complement. Several key locations on the rigging are identified in a legend below. <br></br> Form Ozanne's "Marine Militaire ou Recueil des differens vaisseaux qui servent à la guerre suivis des manoeuvres qui ont le plus de raport au combat ainsi qua l'attaque et la defense des ports" ca. 1770. Plate 7.
1179Engraving of a French 80-cannon three-masted war ship.DetailsOzanne, Nicolas1770
French Bateau or Sloop
Ozanne, Nicolas
$175.00Ozanne--NicolasFrench-Bateau-or-SloopThis fine 18th-century hand-colored engraving of a French "Bateau" is described in the engraved text. Engraved scene at bottom shows a small swivel cannon and a very scare depiction of a four-barreled naval blunderbuss, the fore-runner of the modern shotgun <br></br> From Ozanne's "Marine Militaire ou Recueil des differens vaisseaux qui servent à la guerre suivis des manoeuvres qui ont le plus de raport au combat ainsi qua l'attaque et la defense des ports" ca. 1770. Plate 20.
1180Engraving of a French 90-cannon three-masted war ship.DetailsOzanne, Nicolas1770
Antique Engraving of a French War Ship with 90 Cannons
Ozanne, Nicolas
$175.00Ozanne--NicolasAntique-Engraving-of-a-French-War-Ship-with-90-CannonsThis fine 18th-century hand-colored engraving of a French "Vaisseau de 90 Canons" is described in the engraved text, including maneuvering tactics. Legend at bottom of the engraving identifies several key locations on the rigging of this triple decked French ship-of-the-line including: <div class="indenttextblock"> <ul style="list-style-type: circle;"> <li>le grand mat d'hune- Main top mast </li> <li>Petit mat d'hune - Fore top mast</li> <li>Mat de Perroquet d'artimon ou de Fouge - Mizzen top-gallant mast </li> <li>Haubans des mats cy dessus - Mast stays</li> <li>Galaubans des memes mats - Mast backstays </li> <li>Trelingages des hunes - Top cordage</li> </ul> </div> Form Nicolas Ozanne's "Marine Militaire ou Recueil des differens vaisseaux qui servent à la guerre suivis des manoeuvres qui ont le plus de raport au combat ainsi qua l'attaque et la defense des ports" ca. 1770.
1204Antique copper-plate engraving of a Galeasse.DetailsOzanne, Nicolas1770
Antique French Engraving of a Galeasse
Ozanne, Nicolas
$175.00Ozanne--NicolasAntique-French-Engraving-of-a-GaleasseThis fine 18th-century hand-colored engraving of a Galeasse of about 165 feet in length is described in the engraved text: <div class="indenttextblock"> Les Galeasses, sont de tres grands Batiments, qui vont a voiles et a rames; leur longueur, est de 160, a 170 pieds, la largeur de 30, a 34, et la creuse de 10 a 12. Ces Batiments, portent leur grosse artillerie a la poupe a la proue; les canons de petit calibre se placent sur les flancs, entre les bancs de rameurs, on na point rendu de detail ici pareeque la Figue est trop petit cela. </div> <br></br> A galeasse is a larger vessel than a galley (galère, Fr.) typically powered by 3 lateen-rigged sails as well as oars. <br></br> Form Nicolas Ozanne's "Marine Militaire ou Recueil des differens vaisseaux qui servent à la guerre suivis des manoeuvres qui ont le plus de raport au combat ainsi qua l'attaque et la defense des ports" ca. 1770. Plate 16.