ALL ITEMS: 'Cockrell--Monroe-F-

 Thumbnail CreatorDateTitle / Author / Date / LocationPrice  Description
6522Blueprint map The Military Campaigns of Nathan Bedford Forrest.DetailsCockrell, Monroe F.1941
Cyanotype 1st ed Military Campaigns of Nathan Bedford Forrest
Cockrell, Monroe F.
$375.00Cockrell--Monroe-F-Cyanotype-1st-ed-Military-Campaigns-of-Nathan-Bedford-ForrestCyanotype or blueprint map - "The Military Campaigns of Nathan Bedford Forrest" based on Forrest's calvary campaigns in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi during the Civil War. The map was copyrighted in 1907 and published by Monroe F. Cockrell in 1941. Cockrell developed the map originally in 1907 when he was at V.M.I. based on information on N.B. Forrest from John Allen Wyeth's Life of Forrest (1900). Drawn by Emery L. Ring. September 18, 1941. <br><br> Rare. Only one copy of this map found online and this, the earliest known edition. A later 1944 printed edition is found online with citation at lower right to R.S. Henry's 1944 work "First with the Most - Forrest". The citation is lacking in this 1941 edition.[1] <br><br> Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821- 1877) was a <strong>Confederate calvary commander</strong>during the U.S. Civil War. "His command was responsible for the massacre of African American Union troops stationed at Fort Pillow, Tennessee, in April 1864, and he served as the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan in the early years of Reconstruction." [2] <br><br> A similar cyanotype map by Cockrell on Stonewall Jackson is also found online- " The Military Campaigns of Stonewall Jackson based on Henderson's Life of Jackson. June 1, 1940. [1] <br><br> [1] Tennessee Virtual Archive. Online: <br> [2] Glaze, Robert L.. Nathan Bedford Forrest Confederate general. Britannica. Online: