ALL ITEMS: 'Hardinge--Woolfield

 Thumbnail CreatorDateTitle / Author / Date / LocationPrice  Description
1296Very scarce British Lighthouse Chart of General Coast Lights.DetailsHardinge, Woolfield1874
Large rare antique British Lighthouse Chart
Hardinge, Woolfield
$0.00Hardinge--WoolfieldLarge-rare-antique-British-Lighthouse-ChartSOLD <br></br>Very scarce and visually appealing "British Lighthouse Chart of General Coast Lights. Compiled from authentic sources by Woolfield H.F. Hardinge. 1874." This large ( 23" W x 32" H ) informational chart graphically displays these characteristics of the light: the range over which the light could be seen; frequency and duration of the light; and color of light. Includes lighthouses on both the Irish and British coastlines, with nearby French lighthouses shown along the English Channel. <br></br> Can not find any copy of this chart on the Internet or in AMPR. <br></br> Lithographed by Robert J. Cook and Hammond 29 Charing Cross S. W. Published by J. D. Potter, Admiralty Chart Agent 31 Poultry London, E.C.