ALL ITEMS: 'Oil-and-Gas-Journal

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5063Cartography supplement  on Oil Basins in the Oil and Gas Journal.DetailsOil and Gas Journal1952
Journal-Guide to Oil Basins of the United States
Oil and Gas Journal
$680.00Oil-and-Gas-JournalJournal-Guide-to-Oil-Basins-of-the-United-StatesA large special data and cartography supplement in the Oil and Gas Journal 1952 titled: "Journal-Guide to Oil Basins of the United States." The insert includes a map of United States Oil basins and a Formation Correlator (tabular data relating geographical region to era, period, rock system and group. At right cross sections of the major oil basins including the Permian Basin. Cross sections through each basin are shown schematically on the map. <br></br> Supplement to The Oil and Gas Journal. Volume 50 No. 46. Compiled and drawn by the editorial staff. The Oil and Gas Journal Copyright 1952. The Petroleum Publishing Company. Tulsa, Oklahoma.